beauty GOING GREEN / by Jackie Shawn

It is not unusual for people to start new hobbies, health regimes, or challenges in the spring.  So, having said that, perhaps you have been considering taking a closer look at the beauty products in your bathroom cabinet? You know, the ones you use every day when you wake up and every night before bed.

One of the things I am often asked is this, “What is the easiest way to switch to cleaner beauty products?” which basically means products with less chemicals. It can be daunting and overwhelming let alone costly. My answer is this. 

  1. Pick one product to replace.

  2. Research online. Take a look at sites like THINKDIRTYAPP.COM or EWG.ORG/SKINDEEP that detail product ingredients and compare brands too! Go to the beauty counter at your nearest health food store. This is an excellent start but be advised just because it is in a health food store does not necessarily mean it is chemical free so read labels closely or research online before you buy. Visit a department store or Sephora. Natural makeup and skincare lines are now represented more than ever before. Use THINKDIRTYAPP.COM on the spot! Book a Makeup Map Session at WBLab for professional one-on-one guidance.

  3. When that product is finished replace it with an informed one.

  4. Repeat.

Take your time and soon you will have a cabinet full of new clean beauty goodies.